Senator Johnson's Legislation to Protect Domestic Violence Victims From Workplace Discrimination Passes Senate

Craig M. Johnson

March 3, 2009

The State Senate last week passed important legislation sponsored by Senator Craig M. Johnson to protect the victims of domestic violence and stalking from discrimination in the workplace.

“For many victims of domestic violence and stalking, their employment situation is their only stable environment,” Senator Johnson said. “This measure will ensure that these victims will be able to hold onto this stability and independence as they work to rebuild their lives.”

Abusers frequently seek to control their partners by actively interfering with their ability to work, including preventing them from going to work, causing disruptions at their workplace and limiting the access of their partners to money or transportation. Studies indicate that between 35 and 56 percent of battered women reported being harassed at their workplace by their abuser.

Senator Johnson's legisaltion, (S.958A), passed unanimously and is modeled on a law that has been successfully implemented in New York City since 2000.

The bill has been delivered to the Assembly.

Video of Senator Johnson speaking on this bill on the Senate Floor can be viewed at