Senate Republicans Oppose Democrat Bill to Protect Deadbeat Dads, Extend State Subsidies to Illegal Aliens

Dean G. Skelos

March 11, 2009

New York State Senate Republicans today unanimously opposed a bill pushed by Senate Democrats that would protect deadbeat dads from paying costs associated with their own children while requiring State and local taxpayers to automatically pick up the additional costs.

Meanwhile, the bill would open up taxpayer supported child care subsidies to illegal aliens, who shouldn’t qualify for benefits targeted for New Yorkers and their families.

"This misguided Democrat bill safeguards deadbeat dads and requires cash-strapped taxpayers to pick up costs that shouldn’t even be their responsibility. By forcing State taxpayers to pay these subsidies, Senate Democrats have shown that they care more about protecting deadbeat dads than about protecting hard-working taxpayers," State Senator Martin Golden (R,C-Brooklyn) said.

"It’s unbelievable that the Senate Democrats would give deadbeat dads preference over the beleaguered taxpayers of New York State," State Senator John DeFrancisco (R,C,I,WF-Syracuse said.

"I’m highly disappointed that the State Senate Democrats are proposing a dramatic change in policy that will eliminate the need for a parent to seek child support before asking for a publically funded subsidy. We are effectively asking New York taxpayers to subsidize dead beat parents," State Senator Stephen Saland (R,I,C-Poughkeepsie) said.

Under the bill (S2091), sponsored by Senator Velmanette Montgomery (D-New York City), the State would waive a regulation that now requires those applying for child care subsidies to first go to court.

The Democrat bill does not require a parent to pursue a court order against the deadbeat dad. It is opposed by the New York Public Welfare Association.

The bill passed the Senate as a result of unanimous Democrat support.


New York State Senate Republicans today unanimously opposed a bill pushed by Senate Democrats that would protect deadbeat dads from paying costs associated with their own children while requiring State and local taxpayers to automatically pick up the additional costs.