Padavan Urges Legislative Colleagues To Restore Cuts to Home Care

Frank Padavan

March 2, 2009

As New York rapidly reaches the April 1st deadline for the enactment of the 2009-2010 State Budget, New York State Senator Frank Padavan (Queens) today called upon his fellow state legislative colleagues to eliminate the cuts and proposals detrimental to home health care.

 “Home care is the most cost effective means of health care for New Yorkers of all ages, especially seniors,” Padavan said. “The proposed Executive Budget includes serious and long-lasting cuts and proposals  that will have negative impact on the access  and quality of home health care in New York state. With the budget due in a month’s time,  I urge all my legislative colleagues to stand up and oppose each proposal harmful to future of home care and health care in New York.” 

 The 2009-2010 Executive Budget, proposed by Governor Paterson contains various cuts to the home care sector of health care throughout New York state. The Executive Budget calls for cuts over $500 million in Medicaid home care cuts.

Additionally the Governor’s proposed budget includes a proposal that would eliminate licensed home care agencies to provide service through contracts. Enactment of such a proposal would have a devastating  impact on the not only quality of home care but on the state economy. The New York State Association of Health Care Providers projects the potential loss of 74,00 jobs if the elimination of contracting service for home care providers were enacted. 

 “For years, many health care experts have pointed to home care as an effective and cost-efficient means of health care in New York state,” Padavan said.”As our nation and state eyes health care reform measures, cutting home care will only increase long-term costs for many New Yorker reliant and eligible for home care and will force them to  turn to costly treatments in hospitals or nursing homes.

“A strong home care system in New York State is vital for our economy and future and is a key component of the health care reform debate.  Enacting painful Medicaid cuts and proposals that hinder home care for those in need is a serious step in the wrong direction,” Padavan concluded.