Statement from Sen. Maziarz on NYPA Reversal

George D. Maziarz

March 24, 2009

As the New York Power Authority finally caves to mounting public pressure and scraps its plans to hike rates and hand out employee bonuses, it is clear that the people of Western New York have won a great victory.

Today’s admission proves that, with enough effort, an entity as big and out-of-touch as the Power Authority can still be held accountable to the people and their elected representatives.

It is obvious to me and millions of upstate residents that NYPA cannot raise rates for electric customers and at the same time pay out generous bonuses to its employees.  I don’t know what took NYPA so long to come to this realization, but I’m glad they finally did.

Ever since I spoke up loudly for electric customers at last week’s public hearing in Albany, NYPA has been in full-spin mode trying to justify their actions.  Since then, many have joined the cause and offered criticisms of NYPA’s arrogance.  The people’s victory today grew out of these efforts to hold NYPA accountable.

The Power Authority has relented, but now it must repent and make good on the many other broken promises it has made to Western New York.