Senator Farley Is Pleased Great Sacandaga Lake Permit Rules Put on Hold

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C - Schenectady) is pleased to announce he has heard from Governor David Paterson's office that the changes to the controversial Great Sacandaga Lake permit system have been withdrawn for the time being.
"I thank the Governor for listening to my concerns as well as to the people of the Great Sacandaga Lake region," Senator Farley said. "We've all voiced our concerns that range from the secrecy of how these changes came about, to private property owners' rights, to health concerns. The Governor has listened. I also thank all of my constituents who have reached out to me about this permit issue, and to those who have also taken the extra step to reach out to the Governor. All of our voices have been heard."
While the proposal has not necessarily been killed, the regularoty process has been halted. This will eunsure that the public has appropriate input into any future changes.
"That's what we've been asking for all along," Senator Farley said. "The Hudson River-Black River Regulating District (HRBRRD) has been holding public hearings and allowing permit holder input over the past two years for proposed new rules and regulations regarding the Sacandaga permit system. That is the open process that should have occurred when the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) made recommendations to end permit holders' exclusive access. With the Governor slowing down the DEC's shocking changes, we are hopefully going back to that open process."