Senator Alesi’s Taxpayer Empowerment Act Would Limit State Spending

James S. Alesi

June 4, 2009

    Senator Jim Alesi (R-C-I, Perinton) will be sponsoring the “Taxpayer Empowerment Act” (TEA), which would limit New York State’s ability to raise taxes and spend your money.

    “The only way to begin a fundamental turnaround in New York State is to limit the government’s ability to tax and spend,” said Senator Alesi.  “This first step would stem the tide of  job loss and population exodus that has crippled our State’s economy.”

    The TEA proposal would:

* Ban unfunded State mandates on schools and local governments;

* Enact a State spending cap that would limit increases to 4% or 120% of the Consumer Price Index;

* Create a property tax cap to limit increases to 4% or 120% of the Consumer Price Index;

* Require that any State tax increase be approved by at least a two-thirds “supermajority” in each house of the Legislature before it can become law;

* Creates a Regulatory Reform and Competitiveness Commission to review the impact of State regulations on businesses and propose revision; and

* Establish a process of Initiative and Referendum to empower voters on certain issues facing New York State.
    “This is the right thing to do for every hardworking taxpayer.  It is time to tell the Government to stop spending money we don’t have.  Only by taking action now, can we begin to move toward a brighter future for our families and the Empire State,” concluded Senator Alesi.  Senator Alesi strongly opposed the recent budget, which increased spending by nearly ten percent.
