Seward Opposes MTA Bailout

James L. Seward

May 6, 2009

ALBANY, 05/06/09— Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I- Oneonta) today commented on the MTA bailout deal:

“Just like the ill-advised state budget, the MTA bailout was negotiated in secret, will drive up taxes statewide and cost New York business heavily.

“The plan includes a $1.5 billion jobs tax for the 12 counties within the MTA service region which will be devastating for New York’s businesses, not for profits, hospitals, local governments and school districts.  Public school districts will be reimbursed to the tune of $60 million to $100 million from the state’s general fund, meaning taxpayers outside of the MTA region will be paying to bail out a mass transit system they do not use.

“Forgotten in the discussion are upstate roads and bridges.  For decades, the state approved five-year capital plans for the MTA and for roads and bridge projects upstate and on Long Island.  Not this year.  While the senate Democrats talk a lot about “One New York,” the reality is they always put New York City first.”
