Klein Congratulates Cadets on NYS West Point Day

Jeffrey D. Klein

March 31, 2009

Acknowledges Bronx Native Terrence McElroy

Every year the New York State Legislature recognizes the outstanding contributions and significance of one of the most prestigious military academies in the nation: West Point. In honor of the day and in special recognition of Bronx native, Terrence McElroy, Senator Klein spoke on the Senate floor to show his appreciation.

"The academy’s founding values of Duty, Honor, and Country are a model for all Americans, not only those interested in public service, and represent the highest aspirations to which our society strives to achieve. However, the values of the academy can be distilled to a simple element: character. It is this notion of human form, the combination of intelligence, strong moral commitment, and a belief in the possibility of mankind that motivates our nation, and on which our government was founded," said Klein.

West Point’s counts among its "Long Gray Line" some of the greatest leaders in history including: Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, and Dwight Eisenhower among 60,000 other graduates.

"In these trying times our nation faces not only an economic specter but an ongoing war. Yet these brave men and women have stepped up unafraid to defend freedom and keep America great. To them we owe not only our appreciation but our lives," Klein concluded.
