Cell Phones for Soldiers and Senator Defrancisco Kick Off Cell Phone Collection Drive for the Holidays
November 6, 2009
Contact: Benedicte Doran (315) 428-7632
Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-I-C, Syracuse) is calling on Central New Yorkers to support our troops this holiday season by donating their used cell phones to Cell Phones for Soliders.
"I am proud to show my support for U.S. soldiers and to contribute to a worthy cause," said Senator DeFrancisco. "Our military members are making a tremendous sacrifice for all of us. In return, we need to show them we appreciate their service and sacrifice. This cell phone drive will help our military men and women keep in touch with their loved ones."
"I am very please to be a part of Senator DeFrancisco's kickoff of the Holiday Cell Phone Collection Drive," said Garry Luke, Public Affairs Specialist for the Syracuse Army Recruiting Battalion. "We must never forget the sacrifices of our military ranks, and this program provides a special way to contribute and show our thanks, especially during this festive time of the year."
Local residents can support the collection drive by delivering their used cell phones to Senator DeFrancisco's Office:
800 State Office Building
333 East Washingtown Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
(315) 428-7632
Donated phones will be sent to ReCellular, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each phone -- enough to provide an hour of talk time to soldiers abroad.
About half of the phones ReCellular processes are reconditioned and resold to wholesale companies in more than 40 countries around the world. Phones and components that cannot be refurbished are dismantled and recycled to reclaim materials, including gold, silver, and platinum from circuit boards; copper wiring from phone chargers; nickel, iron, cadmium and lead from battery packs; and plastic from phone cases and accessories.
Cell Phones for Soldiers was founded by teenagers Robbie and Brittany Bergquist from Norwell, Mass., with $21 of their own money. Since then, the registered 501c3 non-profit organization has raised almost $1 million in donations and distributed more than 500,000 prepaid calling cards to soldiers serving overseas.
Through increased fundraising efforts, the Bergquist family hopes to fund new programs, such as providing video phones and prepaid service to allow soldiers abroad to see their families on a regular basis.
To find out more about other ways to support our troops please visit: