Senator Bonacic: New and Higher fees Target Hunters

John J. Bonacic

October 1, 2009

September 30, 2009-State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C – Mt. Hope) said today that when the State Legislature approved the $8.5 billion in tax and fee increases in the state budget, they placed a target on the backs of every hunter and fishermen by forcing them to pay between 25 percent and as much as 63 percent more for almost every type of sporting license.  Senator Bonacic voted against all those new taxes and fee hikes.

“Every month New Yorkers are getting hit with more taxes and fees as a result of the disastrous budget put together in secret by Governor Paterson and Democrats in both Houses,” Bonacic said.  “On September 1st, it was increased license and registration fees for every driver of every kind of vehicle; starting in October, it’s higher license fees for sportsmen.”

The Democrats voted to increase the cost of fishing and small and big game licenses from $19 to $29, a 53 percent increase.  In addition, muzzleloading licenses will go up 31 percent; the cost of turkey permits will double; small game licenses will go up 63 percent; and trapping licenses will increase 31 percent.  Every type of lifetime license will increase  between 27 percent for children’s and adult licenses; 30 percent for a senior’s lifetime license and 53 percent for a small and big game lifetime license.  Also, there is a new license for recreational marine fishing.

The hunting and fishing fee hikes come on the heels of the 25 percent increase in motor vehicle registration and drivers license fees that took effect September 1st for passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, trailers, taxis, busses, motorcycles, all terrain vehicles, construction vehicles, motorboats and custom vehicles. Drivers licenses and registration fees also went up 25 percent, creating an additional cost to New York drivers projected to be almost $152 million over the next two years.

“Tax hikes on sport licenses, cars and drivers, beer and wine, together with taking away STAR property tax rebate checks, there is simply no end to the Democrats’ appetite for spending and tax hikes,” Bonacic said.

