Serrano Sponsors Roosevelt Island Health Workshop for Seniors

José M. Serrano

July 6, 2009

Senator Serrano sponsored a Health Workshop for Seniors as part of his monthly Roosevelt Island Constituent hours. The Senator has consistently fought to protect public health – on issues related to air quality, food access and environmental justice –throughout the 28th District.
The Roosevelt Island Health Workshop for Seniors took place in the Good Shepherd Community Center, and included an interactive presentation by New York Presbyterian Health Coach Harriott Meyers, as well as a stretching workshop by New York Presbyterian fitness expert Danielle Green. After the workshop, a representative from the New York Presbyterian Ambulatory Care Network Pharmacy Assistance Program held an information session, and the Seniors enjoyed delicious healthy snacks.
“It is important for everyone to be informed when it comes to health,” said Senator Serrano, who was forced to work in Albany for the day but was represented by his staff on the island. “Workshops such as this are imperative for our senior population, who can especially benefit from learning healthy nutritional and exercise practices.”