Bipartisan Operating Agreement for the New York State Senate

Kevin S. Parker

June 18, 2009

To: Members of the Majority Conference

From: Shelley Mayer

Date: June 16,2009

    Re: Draft New York State Senate Bipartisan Operating Agreement


       Attached please find the latest draft proposal for a Bipartisan Operating Agreement for the New York State Senate, effective until 11:59 pm on Monday, June 22, unless otherwise extended by the parties.



1.         Term of Agreement. This agreement shall bind the parties until I l:59pm on Monday, June 22, the scheduled end of the regular 2009 legislative session.

2.         Extension on Consent of Parties. This agreement may be extended on consent of both parties for extraordinary or continuing sessions of the Legislature during calendar year 2009.

3.         Operation of the Senate. The parties agree to rotating Presiding Officers of the Senate, alternating daily, one each to be designated by the Democratic Conference and the Republican Conference, respectively.

4.         Bills for Consideration. The parties agree to establish a six-member Senate Conference Committee, comprising three members designated by the Democratic Conference and three members designated by the Republican Conference, to determine which bills and resolutions will reach the floor. On agreement by a majority of such Committee, an Active List for each session shall be compiled and advanced. No bill shall be advanced or voted on by the Senate without prior approval of a majority of such Committee.

5.         Floor Leaders. The parties agree to rotating Floor Leaders, alternating daily, one each to be designated by the Democratic Conference and the Republican Conference, respectively. On each day that the Presiding Officer is a Democrat, the Floor Leader for such day shall be a Republican, and on each day that the Presiding officer is a Republican, the Floor Leader for such day shall be a Democrat.

6.         Casting Vote Prohibited. During the life of this agreement, no Senator shall make or attempt to make a casting vote under any circumstances.


Dated: June 16, 2009

Albany, New York