Statement By Senate President Malcolm A. Smith, Majority Leader Pedro Espada, Jr., Minority Leader Dean Skelos And Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson

Malcolm A. Smith

July 10, 2009

“On July 9th, the New York State Senate returned to session, worked into the early hours of the following morning and passed 135 bills vital to the economic well-being of local governments across the state.  If these bills were not passed, New York faced the potential loss of billions in revenue and hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Collectively, the legislation has a gross economic impact of $7.23 billion for local governments; securing $3.8 billion in federal stimulus funding for healthcare and education, and $1.5 billion for the development of affordable housing and mortgage assistance.
The Senate also passed a sales tax measure for the City of New York  which is expected to generate $60 million per month in revenue and prevent the loss of police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians.
The $136.5 million Power for Jobs program was also extended ensuring hundreds of businesses and non-profits across the state will continue to receive low-cost power and affordable energy.  By passing the Power for Jobs extender, the Senate Majority protected over 300,000 jobs. 
Moving forward with an agenda based on economic growth and job creation, the Senate Majority has again taken action to keep New York on the road to economic recovery.  We will continue to serve the people of New York in the days and months ahead, and pass legislation to serve their interests and restore their faith in this great body.”