Senator Golden to Pay Tribute to Outstanding Community Leaders at Celebration of Italian Heritage

Martin J. Golden

October 1, 2009

Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) will be hosting a special awards ceremony and reception in honor of six outstanding Italian Americans from his district at a celebration of Italian Heritage.

Senator Golden will recognize the following:

Greg Borruso, President, Marine Park Civic Association

Mario Caldera, President, Most Precious Blood Senior Citizens Club

Robert Cavaliere, President, Parkville Youth Organization

Joseph Iervasi, Founder, Neighborhood Improvement Association

Eleanor Schiano, Retired Teacher and Community Board 10 Member

Christopher Spinelli, President, Community Education Council, District 22

Senator Golden stated, “Each year, our Nation takes time during the month of October to celebrate Italian Heritage and so I host an community event, along “Christoforo Colombo Boulevard” where I honor those who have proven to be extraordinary citizens of our neighborhood. This year I will honor six Italian Americans who have achieved much in support of our community organizations, our youth and our seniors.”

Golden continued, “Italians have from the very beginning of our Nation’s history been part of the fabric which is our Nation. The Italian American community has long been one admired by many for what they have been able to achieve in sports, in politics, in business and at the same time for their food and culture, and for the beauty of the Italian language.”