Statement by Senator Golden on Governor’s Decision to Abandon New License Plate Mandate

Martin J. Golden

November 16, 2009

Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, 22 nd  District) today issued the following statement in response to Governor Paterson’s decision to abandon the proposed mandate that every New Yorker must purchase a new license plate next year

“Governor David Paterson has heard the voices of many New Yorkers who have sent a strong message that we will not accept another tax.  I joined with my colleagues in state government and here, with the residents of  my district, in opposing this $25 mandate that all New Yorkers were to purchase new license plates beginning next year. Enough is enough.  How much more can New Yorkers be asked to sacrifice?

I thank all those that signed my on-line petition to stop the new State mandate. It was a ridiculous idea and the Governor was correct to abandon this plan in the wake of the significant backlash.  It would have cost New Yorkers financially and at the same time caused significant delays at local Department of Motor Vehicles offices.”