Big Boost for Small Businesses As Senate Passes Micro-Business Development Program

Neil D. Breslin

July 22, 2009

Wednesday July 22, 2009

(Albany, New York) Smaller family-owned businesses, and mom-and-pop operations, received some much needed help from Albany as Senator Breslin (D-Delmar) and the Senate Majority approved a measure that will assist small businesses across New York State (known as “micro-businesses”).

Recognizing that these businesses are the backbone of the American economy and vital to the economic success of every community, the Senate’s bill (S5639) establishes the Micro-Business Outreach Centers Program within state economic development law. The program will provide counseling and other services to businesses with 5 employees or fewer.

The establishment of this program will also empower these outreach centers to leverage access to additional state and federal dollars aimed at the development of small businesses.

“During these difficult economic times, it’s more important than ever, to support  small and family owned businesses.   Small business is crucial to the economic vitality of communities throughout our state. This legislation encourages and supports small business with counseling, services and access to federal, state and other funding, and as a result, creates much needed jobs for hardworking New Yorkers,”  said Senator Breslin.

The measure approved by the Senate also provides economic development counseling and funds aimed specifically to rural or underserved communities that have had a historically difficult time building economic bridges to the broader economy.

This bill has also passed the Assembly and is awaiting action by the Governor.
