Statement from Senator Neil Breslin

Neil D. Breslin

July 1, 2009

As you may be aware, there have been some dramatic events in the New York State Senate.

On Monday, June 8th the Minority Conference attempted a self-serving power grab that has thrown the State Senate into complete gridlock.

Since there is now a 31-31 tie between the two conferences, we know there is no way to resolve this impasse without cooperation and compromise. In order to facilitate the passage of critical legislation, my colleagues and I have offered an authentic, bipartisan operating agreement to the Republican Conference and to Senator Espada. We drafted the agreement based on solutions that have worked for other states that have found themselves with tied legislative bodies.

Unfortunately, the Republican conference and Sen. Espada have thus far rejected a bipartisan operating agreement. This means that many of our local non-profit and community groups cannot receive necessary state funding, we cannot address the issue of property tax relief, and we cannot address managed care reform. It means that local governments don’t know if they are going to have enough money to pay their bill and pay their employees. This is a terrible situation for our state to be in and I abhor even being associated with it.

I trust that eventually, the Republican conference and Sen. Espada will join us in agreeing to a bipartisan operating agreement and allow us to address the issues that are critical to New Yorkers. So much is depending upon it.