Senator Johnson Congratulates Babylon Memorial Grade School

Owen H. Johnson

January 25, 2009

State Senator Owen H. Johnson (4th Senate District, Babylon) recently paid a visit to the Babylon Memorial Grade School where he presented the school with a New York State Legislative Resolution commending the school on being named a 2008 National School of Character by the Character Education Partnership. Babylon Memorial Grade School was one of only five elementary schools chosen nationwide for this prestigious honor.

The Babylon Memorial Grade School began its character program six years ago. Since that time, the school has experienced improved academic scores as well as decreased absenteeism and discipline problems.

“There’s no doubt that character counts,” said Senator Johnson. “And it is clear that the entire Babylon Memorial Grade School community recognizes this and has gone above and beyond to ensure that they are instilling a sense of character in their students at every opportunity. What the community has done here is create a model that can be emulated by other schools and that is an amazing achievement.”

The Character Education Partnership is one of the world’s premier character education organizations and is leading the nation in helping schools develop people of good character for a just and compassionate society.

Senator Johnson (center) is pictured presenting the Legislative Resolution to Babylon Memorial Grade School Principal Eric Freidman (left), Babylon School District Superintendent Ellen Best-Laimit (right), and the other members of the School Character Committee.