American Diabetes Month

Shirley L. Huntley

November 14, 2009

News From
New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley

Chair of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities

For Immediate Release: November 13, 2009
Contact: Antonio Rodriguez | | (518) 455-3531

Senator Shirley L. Huntley Announces that November is
American Diabetes Month

Recognizing November as American Diabetes Month, Senator Huntley (D-Jamaica) urges New Yorkers to join the American Diabetes Association in their movement to Stop Diabetes.

Diabetes is the most rapidly growing chronic disease of our time. It has become an epidemic that affects 1 out of 12 adult New Yorkers. Since 1994, the number of people in the state who have diabetes has more than doubled and it is likely that number will double again by the year 2050; more than one million New Yorkers have been diagnosed with diabetes

It is estimated that another 450,000 people have diabetes and don’t know it, because the symptoms may be overlooked or misunderstood, it is also prevalent in the African-American Community. According to the National Diabetes Education program about 3.7 million African-Americans in the United States have diabetes. This number can actually be higher as many African-Americans are unaware they have Diabetes mainly due to inadequate or non-existent health care. Around 14.7 percent of all Non-Hispanic blacks age 20 years and older have diagnosed and undiagnosed Diabetes.

Myth: Diabetes is not that serious of a disease.

Fact: Diabetes causes more deaths a year than breast cancer and aids combined. Two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or strokes. “Understanding and managing your risk can help you prevent diabetes and lead a longer healthier life,” Senator Huntley said. “Make sure to receive regular checkups and talk to your physician about risk factors you may have.”

Type 1 Diabetes:

• Frequent urination
• Unusual thirst
• Extreme hunger
• Unusual weight loss<
• Extreme fatigue and irritability

Type 2 Diabetes:

• Any of the type 1 symptoms
• Frequent infections
• Blurred vision
• Cuts/Bruises that are slow to heal
• Tingling/Numbness in the hands/feet

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), small changes in diet and exercise can prevent type 2 diabetes from developing or slow it down. Risk factors for diabetes include:

• Being overweight
• High Blood Sugar
• History of Diabetes During Pregnancy (Gestational Diabetes)
• High Blood Pressure
• Physical Inactivity
• Smoking
• Unhealthy Eating
• Age, Race, Gender and Family History

This November, the American Diabetes Association is officially launching a national movement to Stop Diabetes. Senator Huntley suggests a few ways New Yorkers can act on a local level.

Give. The drive to stop diabetes cannot succeed without individuals dedicating time, effort and fund to support mission-critical activities in your neighborhood.

You can get involved by visiting or calling your local American Diabetes Office at 1 800-DIABETES.

Act. Whether you want to run, walk, bike or simply tell a friend, there are many ways to help build momentum for the Stop Diabetes movement.

Learn. The American Diabetes Association has many resources throughout the country to help Stop Diabetes. If you, or a loved one, already have diabetes or are at risk for Type 2, they can provide lifestyle and motivational information to prevent this disease from taking control of your life and the lives of those around you.

Share. Inspire others to join the movement by sharing your personal story. Beginning November 2, visit and go on Facebook and Twitter to learn about all the exciting ways to be part of the Stop Diabetes movement. Invite your family, friends and co-workers to join this effort as well.

For more information on diabetes, its risk factors, prevention and treatment methods go to or call 1 800-Diabetes.