Senator Steve Saland Announces His New Leadership Position and Committee Assignments for 2009-2010 Legislative Session

Stephen M. Saland

January 21, 2009

             Senator Steve Saland (R,I,C Poughkeepsie) today announced that Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos has appointed him to the position of Assistant Minority Whip.  Saland will also serve as a member of the Senate Codes, Consumer Protection, Education, Finance, Judiciary and Rules Committees.

             "I am extremely gratified that Senator Skelos has appointed me to the leadership position of Assistant Minority Whip.  I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to place our state's economy on firmer footing, stimulate job growth, reduce property taxes and make New York a better place to live, work, do business and raise a family, said Senator Saland.  "Additionally, the bills reviewed by the committees on which I will serve have a direct effect on New Yorker's physical and financial security, as well as the quality of our children's education," Saland added.

             "Senator Saland has been a leader on education issues, statewide and nationally, and his expertise and knowledge will be critically important as we move forward in this year's budget process," said Senate Republican Leader Dean G. Skelos. "Senator Saland is committed to ensuring that students across New York State have the resources they need to receive a quality education, and property taxpayers get relief. I'm pleased that he will continue to play a vital role on the Senate's Education Committee."