October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month- Senator Oppenheimer is Living Proof that Early Detection is Key to Breast Cancer Survival

Suzi Oppenheimer

October 1, 2009

Senator Suzi Oppenheimer (D-Mamaroneck) reminds New Yorkers that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and marks this occasion by urging all women to schedule their annual mammogram.

Medical professionals recommend that women receive a clinical breast exam beginning at age 20 and thereafter a minimum of once every three years until the age of 40. Women over 40 should undergo clinical breast exams every year.

“I am living proof that breast cancer can be treated effectively when detected early,” said Senator Oppenheimer, a long-term breast cancer survivor.  Senator Oppenheimer’s breast cancer was detected in its earliest stages by a routine mammogram.  “Routine screening and early detection saves thousands of lives, like mine, each year.”

In conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 16, 2009, has been designated National Mammography Day.  Senator Oppenheimer urges all women to use this date as a reminder to schedule a mammogram and remind their loved ones to do the same. 

 “Many women avoid getting mammograms,” observed the Senator, “fearing a possible cancer diagnosis. But the truth is that the vast majority of women do not have breast cancer and have nothing to fear.  Indeed, 95 percent of all mammograms prove to be normal.”  Even when a malignancy is found, early detection offers the most complete range of treatment options and the best prospect of a full recovery.

For more information about breast cancer and to locate an accredited mammography facility nearby, visit the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer website, www.adelphi.edu/nybreastcancer, or call the Adelphi NY Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program at (800) 877-8077.  Callers can also get emotional support from the hotline’s specially trained volunteers, most of whom are breast cancer survivors.