Restore your STAR Rebate Check

Thomas P. Morahan

April 28, 2009

The Governor’s State Budget took away your STAR Rebate Check. You and other homeowners in Rockland and Orange Counties depend on these checks to help pay your bills. I voted against the State Budget because it took away an average Basic STAR Rebate Check of $692.00 and an average Enhanced STAR Rebate Check of $705.00. The same State Budget raised taxes for you and other families an average of $2,400.00.

I fought hard to restore the STAR Rebate Check program, and I am fighting just as hard to get it back. Please join me in the fight to restore the New York State STAR Rebate Check program.

Please send me an email at  Type RESTORE MY CHECK in the subject line and include your name, address, and other pertinent information to explain how the lose of the STAR Rebate Check Program affects your household. Thank you for your participation.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            Senator Tom Morahan