Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program kicks off Mammography Campaign

Vincent L. Leibell

May 12, 2009

The Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program urges all women to schedule a mammogram.  Early detection is the most effective weapon against breast cancer, and the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program Hotline is there to answer your questions.  Call 800 877-8077.

Call the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program Hotline to:

  • Find out how to get a low cost or free mammogram
  • Locate an accredited mammography facility nearby
  • Receive support and get answers to your questions and concerns about breast cancer. 

    Call the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program Hotline:

    (800) 877-8077

     Let the experts help you with your questions about:
    • Early detection
    • Mammography
    • Second opinions
    • Finding an appropriate physician
    • Insurance coverage related to breast cancer
    • Locating convenient support groups
    • Breast reconstruction
    • Concerns about recurrences
    • Understanding choices about medical treatment
    • Anything concerning you about breast cancer