Larkin Bill Authorizing a Five Percent Surcharge on Hotel and Motel Occupancy Becomes Law

William J. Larkin Jr.

July 16, 2009

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) announced that legislation he sponsored in the State Senate has been signed into law by Governor David Paterson.

Senate Bill 5844, now known as Chapter 129 of the Laws of 2009, authorizes Orange County to impose a local law which would establish a five percent surcharge on hotel and motel occupancy within the county.  This legislation was sponsored by Senator Larkin at the request of the Orange County Legislature.  The five percent tax is estimated to bring in nearly $2 million dollars in the remainder of 2009 and $4 million in 2010. 

“The Orange County Legislature requested I sponsor this legislation to help fix budgetary difficulties the county is currently facing due to the national economic downturn, slowing sales tax revenue, and a reduction in real property valuation,” said Senator Larkin, “I believe that a hotel and motel surcharge is one of the more effective ways we can bring in new revenue while minimizing the burden on our local taxpayers since the majority of those who will pay this tax do not live within Orange County.”

“I appreciate the efforts of Senator Larkin in securing this very important  piece of legislation during these difficult economic times,” said County Executive Edward Diana.


