Local Legislation Sponsored by Senator Larkin Passes State Senate
William J. Larkin Jr.
July 20, 2009
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) recently announced the New York State Senate has passed several pieces of legislation he sponsored, S.1149-A, S.2737, S.5458, and S.5602.
> S.1149-A designating uniformed town court officers in the Town of New Windsor as peace officers.
> S.2737 directing the commissioner of education to recalculate a portion of state aid payments to the Marlboro Central School District as a result of the adjusted real property values of the Danskammer and Roseton power plants.
> S.5458 authorizing the Town of Marlborough, in the county of Ulster, to dissolve the Applewood Farms drainage district.
> S.5602 authorizing the village of Monroe, in the county of Orange, to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to police officer Anthony T. Amatetti.
“I am proud to report that these pieces of legislation have passed the State Senate,” said Senator Larkin, “I will be contacting Governor David Paterson to urge him to review and sign these bills into law as soon as possible.”