Senator Larkin Announces United States Postal Service to Reissue Purple Heart Stamp at 44 Cents in May

William J. Larkin Jr.

March 16, 2009

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) recently announced that the United States Postal Service will reissue the Purple Heart Stamp at the First-Class Mail price of 44 cents beginning this May.  

“The reissuance of the Purple Heart Stamp is wonderful news for our veterans and their families,” said Senator Bill Larkin. “However, it is my sincere hope that, in the future, the Postal Service will honor those service members killed or wounded in service to our nation with a forever stamp.”

Earlier this year, Senator Larkin wrote to the Postmaster General and sponsored a legislative resolution requesting that the United States Postal Service issue the Purple Heart Stamp as a permanent “forever stamp.”  The legislative resolution was adopted in the State Senate with unanimous support on March 10th.