Veterans Hall of Fame Celebration

On June 1st, NYS Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Senator Eric Adams announced a new and improved NYS Senate Veterans Hall of Fame. Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins was joined in Albany by Yonkers resident and a 2010 nominee, Eli Michael Vetrano, who is a United States Army veteran. In the coming weeks, a ceremony will be held to honor all members of the Hall of Fame in the 35th District, recognizing their service in the United States Armed Forces.
Eli Vetrano served in the U.S. Army from 1950 until receiving an honorable discharge from Governor’s Island as a Corporal in 1952. He was stationed in Virginia Beach, and Tulle Greenland bringing supplies to build the Air Force Base.
Since his discharge, Eli Vetrano has devoted his life to raising his own family, assisting veterans and celebrating his faith. He served as Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus Cardinal Hayes Council #3995, where he is a life member committed to the mission of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Eli Vetrano has been active with the American Legion for over 15 years, serving as Sergeant at Arms for the Westchester County American Legion of New York from 2004 to 2007. In Addition, he was instrumental in the Vietnam Dignity Memorial Wall coming to Yonkers and in organizing many, many events honoring local veterans.
“Eli Vetrano’s service in the armed forces and on behalf of his fellow veterans exemplifies the steadfast commitment that distinguishes a Veteran Hall of Fame inductee, making him an exemplary recipient of this recognition. I am honored to present this Resolution in honor of the many sacrifices all of our veterans have made for our Nation and our State,” said Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
“The New York State Senate recognizes that veterans, whether from recent conflicts or great wars of the past, are responsible for safeguarding the freedoms we all enjoy today. Through the efforts of our Majority Conference, the Senate honors New York’s champions with this webpage and with a special resolution," said Senator Eric Adams.
The New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame, containing biographies of veterans across our State who have been nominated by their Senators, can be viewed online by visiting the New York State Senate’s website (http://www.nysenate.gov/veterans-hall-of-fame). Visitors are also able nominate a veteran from New York State to be considered for the Hall of Fame.