Senator Thompson Receives Afro-American Heritage Award

Antoine M Thompson

May 6, 2010

For immediate release
Contact: Ken Houston 716.854.8705

Buffalo, NY – New York State Senator Antoine Thompson (D-Parts of Erie &Niagara Counties) is being honored  by the  Afro-American Historical Association with the William Wells Brown Award.

The award will be presented at the Afro-African Historical Association’s 33rd Family History Dinner.  It‘s scheduled for Friday, May 7, at 7 pm at the Golden Nugget Restaurant, located at 2046 Fillmore Ave.

William Wells Brown was an abolitionist, novelist and historian.  The award named in his honor is handed out each year to a person who has done something to contribute to the preservation of African American History.

“As a student of history, African and Afro-American history and a champion of African American cultural heritage and Minority and Women’s developments, I am honored to receive the William Wells Brown Award.  He was a great Buffalonian who chronicled our community’s history, which helps us recognize our worth and contributions to society,” says Senator Antoine Thompson.”

Thompson represents areas of  Erie and Niagara counties and has authored  initiatives that focused on minority and women’s women business development.

He has also sponsored Buffalo’s Inclusion Law providing Minority and Women owned businesses with 30% of the work on all construction projects.
