State Senator Antoine Thompson Releases Grant Funds to 34 Community Organizations
Antoine M Thompson
September 24, 2010
For Immediate Release
September 22, 2010
Contact: Lisa King| 404.587.4496 |lisaking530@gmail.com
Buffalo, NY – Various Buffalo neighborhoods and community groups will see sweeping improvements thanks to state grant money secured by NYS Senator Antoine M. Thompson (D-parts of Erie & Niagara counties). Distributed by the North West Buffalo Community Center, $181,000 was released today to help aid in furthering the mission of the recipients.
“So many groups do great works in the community, and this financial boost will help fund cultural projects, non-violence advocacy, health initiatives, economic revitalization and youth outreach,” said Senator Thompson. These organizations deposit great contributions into the City of Buffalo, and I am pleased to be able to assist them in building better neighborhoods, block by block.”
“The North West Buffalo Community Center steps in to help community organizations with breaking through the red tape when trying to secure needed funds,” explained Larry Pernick, Jr., executive director, North West Buffalo Community Center. “Some of the smaller entities may not know how to navigate the system, so we might help with grant writing, contacting officials for them and distributing funds once it’s secured. On behalf of all the recipients benefiting from the state grant, we are grateful to Senator Thompson for his generosity, and for delivering for his district.”
Grant money was released to the following organizations:
Asarese-Matters Community Center
Buffalo Film Festival
Buffalo State College, Office of College and Community Partnerships
East Side Redevelopment Taskforce
Greater Niagara Ballet Company
HEAL International
International Institute of Buffalo
Iron Island Preservation Society of Lovejoy, Inc.
Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo, Inc.
Jewish Family Services
League of Muslim Women
Masten Jazz Festival
Muhammad’s School of Music
Naomi Chapter #10 OESPHA
NICYO: Buffalo Funk Fest
North West Buffalo Community Center
North West Buffalo Community Health Care Center
Our Loving Arms
Parkside Community Association
Peace of the City Ministries
Planned Parenthood
Playback Theatre of Buffalo
Pratt Willert Community Center
Sorrento Cheese Buffalo Italian Heritage Festival
Taking It To The Streets
The African Educational Alliance of WNY
The Jazzy Steppers, Inc.
Tonawanda Football Clinic
Ujima Theatre Co.
Uncrowned Queens Institute for Research & Education on Women
WUFO 1080 AM
YMCA Buffalo Niagara
For information on additional news from Senator Antoine Thompson, contact: http://www.nysenate.gov/senator/antoine-m-thompson