Senator Foley Marks Memorial Day

Brian X. Foley

June 3, 2010

Senator Brian X. Foley (D – Blue Point) released the following statement to commemorate Memorial Day:

“Vietnam Veteran Max Cleland wrote that the curse of the soldier is that he never forgets. Today is a day when all of us are called to join with them to pay tribute to our fallen to ensure that we as a country never forget.

“For over 140 years, Memorial Day has been set aside as a day for us to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom and way of life.

“But we have a duty as Americans to do more than just remember one or two days each year; we must remember every day that our daily activities and rituals would not be possible without the bravery and commitment of the members of our armed forces, both past and present.

“Today, we say thank you to the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who gave their lives for our country. We remember especially those members of the Long Island community who have fallen in battle.

“While we remember the fallen, we should also take a moment to remember and thank all of those who served with them, and the men and women who are currently serving us overseas. Let us strive to follow the examples of patriotism, service and selflessness set by our country’s heroes.

“This Memorial Day, all New Yorkers should join together in remembering and thanking those who have fallen in service to our country, all of the veterans who served with them, those who are still serving and the families who miss them every day.”

Senator Foley marked Memorial Day by taking part in community parades and his annual tradition of participating in the reading of the names of Long Islanders who were lost in the Vietnam War.