Senator Foley Ranked Top Environmental Senator

Brian X. Foley

May 13, 2010

Senator Brian X. Foley (D – Blue Point) has been ranked as the top senator on Long Island when it comes to protecting our environment, according to a mid-term report card released by EPL/Environmental Advocates.

The scores take into account the totality of the work senators have done so far this session to advance the protection of our state’s natural resources, but were heavily influenced by how each senator voted on the Environmental Access to Justice Act. This act, which was strongly supported by Senator Foley, restores the right of residents to challenge the results of environmental reviews.

“Environmental protection is an issue I have championed throughout my career,” said Senator Foley. “While we do not seek recognition for our work in the senate, it is always gratifying to know that it does not go unnoticed. I have been happy to see the environmental legislation I have proposed gain bi-partisan support, and I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues on safeguarding our environment.”

Senator Foley received a score of 90, which places him solidly at the top of the list of Long Island senators, and well above the average Long Island score of 61.75. The score also places him above the average of the entire chamber, as well as above the average for the majority conference.

“It’s critical to have environmental leaders, like Senator Foley, to protect our air, water, land and health,” Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director of Citizens Campaign for the Environment. “These are not luxury items that can be dispensed with in hard economic times but rather they are necessities that need protection for all members of the public even in challenging economic times. Elected leaders who understand that a clean, healthy environment equates to a healthy regional economy are a tremendous asset. We applaud Senator Foley for voting for our environment , our economy and the health of future generations.”

“I urge my colleagues, especially on Long Island, to strive to do as much as possible to protect the natural resources that are all around us,” said Senator Foley. “We must do our part now so that our children and grandchildren will be able to enjoy the same open space and environmental jewels that we have been fortunate enough to enjoy.”

Senator Foley has sponsored or co-sponsored a number of important pieces of environmental legislation this session, including groundbreaking statewide Energy Star legislation and a ban on the use of pesticides on playing fields.