New York State Senate Honors the Life of Freeport Civic Leader Ken Bagatelle

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

January 22, 2010

The New York State Senate recently paid tribute to Ken Bagatelle, a longtime Freeport resident who passed away this past November 1st. New York State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) sponsored the legislative resolution memorializing Mr. Bagatelle’s life and many years of community service.

Ken Bagatelle devoted many years of his life towards serving the Freeport community. He was the longtime President of the Northwest Civic Association, serving as a community watchdog for local residents. Mr. Bagatelle helped raise funds for student scholarships and was a youth coach for baseball and softball. He was also a former member of the Village Zoning Board who never missed a meeting during his 11 year tenure.

In addition, Ken Bagatelle tirelessly advocated on behalf of individuals with disabilities. He pushed for renovations of village facilities, curbs, and parking spaces to make them more handicapped accessible.

With passage of the legislative resolution, Ken Bagatelle will forever be memorialized in the history books as part of the New York State Senate’s official record.


Text of the Resolution

Senate Resolution No. 3449


        MOURNING   the   death   of   Kenneth   Bagatelle,
        distinguished citizen  and  devoted  member  of  his

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens  of  the  State  of  New York whose lifework and civic endeavor
served to enhance the quality of life in their communities and the great
State of New York; and

  WHEREAS, Kenneth Bagatelle of Freeport, New York,  died  on  Sunday,
November 1, 2009, at the age of 67; and

  WHEREAS,  Kenneth  Bagatelle distinguished himself in his profession
and by his  sincere  dedication  and  substantial  contribution  to  the
welfare of his community; and

  WHEREAS,  Kenneth  Bagatelle's  commitment  to  excellence,  and his
spirit  of  humanity,  carried  over  into  all  fields  of  enterprise,
including charitable and civic endeavors; and

  WHEREAS,  Kenneth  Bagatelle  was  a Freeport civic leader and local
government  watchdog  who  championed  children  and  the  disabled;  an
accountant  by trade, he made it his business to question leaders on the
nuts and bolts of governance,  from  sidewalk  curbs  to  hidden  budget
deficits; and

  WHEREAS,  Kenneth  Bagatelle  was  born on May 17, 1942; he attended
Freeport schools and graduated  from  Hofstra  University  in  1964  and
served   as  president  of  the  school's  George  M.  Estabrook  Alumni
Association; an accountant for Hempstead Town for  about  30  years,  he
retired 10 years ago; and

  WHEREAS,  For  years,  Kenneth  Bagatelle coached youth baseball and
softball, helped raise  scholarship  money  for  Freeport  students  and
offered  financial  advice  to the school board; he was president of the
Northwest Civic Association for many years, moderating political debates
and booking such guests as District Attorney Kathleen Rice; and

  WHEREAS, Kenneth Bagatelle served on the  village  zoning  board  of
appeals  from 1985 to 1996 and did not miss a single meeting; to improve
accessibility for the disabled, Kenneth Bagatelle, who had arthritis and
diabetes,  pushed  for  the  remodeling  of  village   facilities,   the
renovation   of   curbs   and   more   designated  parking  spaces;  his
contributions to Freeport will be sorely missed; and

  WHEREAS, Kenneth Bagatelle is survived by his sister, Janice Waxman,
and by his nieces and nephews; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
mourn  the death of Kenneth Bagatelle, distinguished citizen and devoted
member of his community; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of Kenneth Bagatelle.