Senator Fuschillo Reminds Nassau County Residents About Their Right to Grieve Their Property Assessments
State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (8th Senate District) is reminding Nassau County residents that they have the right to file a grievance if they believe their property has been over-assessed by the Nassau County Department of Assessment.
“Each year, the law gives Nassau County residents the opportunity to file a grievance if they believe that the County’s Department of Assessment has over-assessed their property,” said Senator Fuschillo. “Anyone who believes that their assessment is too high should consider filing a grievance application with the County’s Assessment Review Commission.”
Individuals who wish to challenge their assessment must file an application with the County’s Assessment Review Commission (ARC) before March 1, 2010. ARC is an independent administrative tribunal, separate from the Nassau County Department of Assessment, which reviews taxpayer requests for assessment reductions. ARC reduces assessments that it finds overvalued, corrects errors in tax class designation and reviews denials of exemptions. ARC cannot increase assessments.
Nassau County does not charge a fee for filing a grievance. Individuals are allowed to represent themselves or hire an attorney to represent them if they so choose.
Residents can challenge their assessments by filing an application with ARC either through the mail or over the Internet. Applications can be obtained by calling ARC at 516-571-2391 or online at ww.nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/ARC/index.html. Applications can also be obtained by clicking here. The deadline to file a grievance is March 1, 2010.