Senator Fuschillo Votes to Make Prescription Drugs More Affordable for Seniors

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

June 16, 2010

Proposed Law Would Expand State’s EPIC Program to Allow More Seniors to Qualify 

          New York State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) today announced that the Senate passed legislation he supports to help more seniors lower their prescription drug costs. 

            The proposed law would raise the income limits on the State’s Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Program (EPIC) to allow more senior citizens to qualify. The EPIC program is a state sponsored program which helps New York senior citizens ages 65 and older pay for their prescription drugs. Over 250,000 seniors statewide have saved money on their prescription drug costs through the EPIC program. 

            Under the proposed law, the EPIC program’s income limits would be raised to $50,000 for an unmarried senior and $75,000 for married senior couples. The current income limits are $35,000 for an unmarried senior and $50,000 for married senior couples. 

            “The EPIC program has helped many Long Island seniors lower their prescription drug costs. However, many more local seniors need the benefits of the EPIC program because Long Island’s high cost of living and the high costs of medications leaves them struggling to make ends meet. Raising the EPIC program’s income limits will allow more Long Island seniors to qualify for the program and save money on their prescription drugs,” said Senator Fuschillo. 

            The legislation has been sent to the Assembly.
