Statement by Senate Republican Leader Dean G. Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

May 26, 2010

We hope the reports are true that the Governor and Democrat leaders have reached an agreement to open the State Parks for the Memorial Day weekend, but the reality is Democrats never should have closed our parks in the first place. 


Senate Republicans were outspoken in opposing the closure of New York’s parks and offered an amendment to keep them open while the Governor and Democrat leaders tried unsuccessfully to pass a real budget.  We even identified the revenue to do so in a responsible way.  Democrats, however, voted down our amendment and kept the parks padlocked and closed for weeks. 


Democrats in the Senate and Assembly must understand that the late budget, which is now 56 days late and counting, is having serious consequences for New Yorkers and their families.  The only way to break the logjam and put a complete budget in place is to begin open, public conference committees, as required by the Budget Reform Act of 2007, and ignored by legislative Democrats. 

