Statement From Senate Republican Leader Dean G. Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

May 21, 2010


Senate Republican Leader Dean G. Skelos today reacted to the latest reports about the presumptive Democrat gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo’s plans for next year.



“When Republicans were in the Majority, the State Senate was the first legislative house ever to pass legislation enacting a property tax cap in August 2008 (4 percent or 120% of CPI).  This year, Senate Republicans offered an amendment that reduced the maximum cap to 2.5 percent, similar to laws already on the books in Massachusetts and New Jersey.  The amendment was twice defeated by Senate Democrats (3/18/10, 4/26/10).




“Senate Republicans introduced and approved legislation to cap state spending growth on two separate occasions (3/12/08, 8/19/08), and offered an amendment last year to put a spending cap in place (4/3/09).  The amendment would have saved taxpayers $6.4 billion but was rejected by Senate Democrats. 




“In 1995, Senate Republicans proposed ‘Jobs Now,’ a tax credit for job creation, which was signed into law following completion of the 1996 budget.  In 2008, Senate Republicans proposed and passed tax credits for new workers, and again proposed legislation in January 2010 to give businesses up to $5,000 per hire, along with an additional incentive for businesses who hire workers collecting unemployment.  




“Even before Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch formally proposed a plan to borrow billions to close the deficit this year and next year, Senate Republicans publicly rejected more borrowing as a means to close the deficit and continue to do so.


“Next year, when Senate Republicans are in the majority, we expect that the next Governor, whoever that may be, will work with us to get the Assembly to adopt these proposals, and we will continue to hold their feet to the fire, as well as those of the Senate Democrats,” Senator Skelos said.
