Statement by Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

June 18, 2010

As the Assembly debates the latest spending bills negotiated behind closed doors, the Democrats continue to make plans to raise taxes to pay for that spending. 


Speaker Silver says that he and Senate Democrats plan to raise taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products, beyond even what the Governor proposed.  As they continue to put the finishing touches on the spending part of the budget, New Yorkers should prepare for a budget that will wind up costing them more in taxes.


Reportedly, Senate and Assembly Democrats are considering raising taxes on everything from businesses that are trying to create jobs to medical marijuana, which they hope to legalize and tax at the same time.


As I said yesterday, and prior to that at the leaders meeting – and consistently since the Governor released his budget five months ago - Senate Republicans will not vote for any budget that includes new taxes, fees or borrowing.


Last year, the Democrats increased the average tax bill for a family of four by $2400 a year when they voted to increase spending by $13 billion and raise taxes by $10 billion, including the $1.5 billion payroll tax on downstate New Yorkers.  


Taxpayers have had enough, but by the Speaker’s comments, we can expect that this year’s budget will include more taxes, fees and borrowing to close a $9.5 billion deficit that they refused to close through spending cuts.

