Statement by Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

July 30, 2010

The special session was a complete and total waste of taxpayer dollars, but it didn’t have to be that way.  The Democrats that control the agenda in the Senate and Assembly missed an opportunity to complete some important unfinished business.


Senate Republicans would have unanimously voted in favor of several of the Governor’s bills that he sent up for consideration at the special session, but were not taken up by either house.  


We would have supported the property tax cap bill, the Power for Jobs extension, the bill to eliminate the state sales tax on low-sulfur heating fuel and the proposed budget contingency plan should the state not receive $1 billion in federal Medicaid (FMAP) assistance.


Senate Republicans continue to stand firm that we will not vote for any increase in taxes and fees.  However, we would have supported these measures, had they been brought to the floor for a vote, because they are vital to lowering property taxes, balancing the budget and helping businesses create jobs.  Unfortunately, the Senate and Assembly Democrats chose to accomplish absolutely nothing other than waste more taxpayer money.

