Statement by Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos
Dean G. Skelos
May 4, 2010

In his comments on a radio interview this morning, Governor Paterson clearly pointed out what has been apparent for many months, that Senate Democrats are the reason why the state budget is now 34 days late, with no agreement in sight.
The Governor said that every Senate Democrat has a veto, and that is what’s holding up the budget. However, not one of them stood up last year and used that veto to stop a budget that increased taxes by $8.5 billion and increased spending by $13 billion. Nor did Governor Paterson veto any of that spending, which could have reduced the deficit we face now.
And while they hold up the budget and make taxpayers suffer, they refuse to follow the law and convene public conference committees which would help get a budget done.
Senate Democrats are wrong if they think the public will forget that they voted to increase spending and taxes last year. Nor will they forget how they have failed to get a budget done this year, or how they vote on a new budget, if there is one by November. The Governor has accurately laid the blame for a late budget on their doorstep.
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