Senate Majority Secures Funding for Student MetroCards

Diane J. Savino

June 18, 2010

(Albany, NY) The Senate Democratic Majority has achieved a major victory for New York children and families today by securing $25 million in state funding for a reduced fare student MetroCard program.

A budget agreement between the MTA, city and state will prevent cuts to the program and continue to provide students access to reduced-fare transit. Under the agreement, the state will pay $25.3 million to fund the program in addition to a city contribution. The MTA will cover the remaining costs. All students who were eligible for reduced fare MetroCards during the previous school year will continue to receive the benefit starting this September.


The $25 million in state funding is contingent upon the NYC Department of Education’s receipt of the reduced fare student MetroCards from the MTA.

Facing a massive deficit, the MTA had proposed full elimination of the program, which would have affected the more than 500,000 New York City students who use the reduced fare MetroCards to travel to and from public school.

“Restoring student MetroCards is crucial for New York’s students and working families, particularly during these difficult economic times.  Parents should never have to choose between sending their child to school and putting food on the table.  Ensuring that transportation remain affordable is crucial to ensuring that our children have access to a quality education, said Senator Diane J. Savino. 

It is expected that the legislation containing the agreement will be acted upon early next week.

