NYS Senator Eric Adams Rallies Brooklyn to Support the Census: Stand Up and Be Counted!

Eric Adams

April 1, 2010


NYS Senator Eric Adams holds a rally to spread the word to all communities that the census is safe, simple, and crucial.
Senator Adams’ statement:             “This rally is meant to inspire every individual and family in the community to fill out and return the census form so that our districts are never again short-changed.  Census forms have been simplified this year and should be filled out by everyone, regardless of economic or immigration status.  Our city is routinely undercounted; this year, we will change that!
“Progress and improvement are everyone’s responsibilities: fill out your census form and mail it back promptly - stand up and be counted for Census 2010!”
Date/Time:                Thursday, April 1, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location:                    Utica Ave & Eastern Parkway subway station (directly outside)
                                     Brooklyn, New York
Presiding:                   NYS Senator Eric Adams                                   

Senator Adams will be available to the press after 4:30 pm.