Special Committee of Inquiry Releases Final Report and Recommendations

Eric T. Schneiderman

January 14, 2010

The Special Committee of Inquiry, chaired by Senator Eric T. Schneiderman, to investigate the conduct for which Senator Hiram Monserrate was convicted by the State Supreme Court of Queens County, today released its final report with recommendations.

In its report, the Committee finds that the nature and seriousness of Senator Monserrate's conduct, as demonstrated by the surveillance video and the other unrebutted evidence, showed a reckless disregard for his partner, Karla Giraldo's well-being and for the severity of her injury.  The Committee concluded that Senator Monserrate’s misconduct damages the integrity and the reputation of the New York State Senate and demonstrates a lack of fitness to serve in this body.

The Committee recommends that Senator Monserrate be sanctioned by the full Senate, and that the Senate vote to impose one of two punishments: expulsion, or in the alternative, censure with revocation of privileges. The Committee recommends that the full Senate convene to consider, debate, and vote on a resolution for expulsion as soon as reasonably possible. If that resolution fails to pass, the Senate should consider, debate, and vote on a resolution for censure with the revocation of privileges.

The report and recommendations are available online at: www.nysenate.gov/report/report-new-york-state-senate-select-committee-investigate-facts-and-circumstances-surrounding