Senate Passes Resolution Calling On Obama Administration To Move Terror Trials Out Of NY

Frank Padavan

February 12, 2010

New York State Senator Frank Padavan (Queens) announced today that the State Senate has passed a legislative resolution calling upon the Obama Administration and the United States Department of Justice to move the 9/11 terror trials out of New York. The resolution (J3389), co-sponsored by Padavan, past with overwhelming support on Tuesday February 9, 2010. 

 “From the very moment the Obama Administration announced their plan to hold the 9/11 terror trials in New York City, New Yorkers have expressed their strong opposition,” Padavan said. “It’s time for the Administration and the United States Department of Justice to listen and stop the pondering and move the 9/11 terror trials without any more delay.”

 A number of published reports have indicated confusion on the status of the trials in New York, with no clear decision reached on reversing the course on having the trials in federal court in Lower Manhattan or any other location in the metropolitan area or state.  The current proposed location, in Lower Manhattan poses a countless logistical complications ranging from loss of business to the creation of an unprecedented security risk. Early estimates from the Bloomberg administration have the cost of security for the trials reaching up to $1 billion annually for trials that may take over a year. 

 “Conducting the trials in federal court in New York will place an unfathomable emotional toll on all New Yorkers who faced one of the nation’s gravest tragedies on 9/11,” Padavan said.  “Having the trials in Lower Manhattan or anywhere in the City or State will cause a disruption and loss of revenue for businesses and impact the daily lives of New Yorkers in the surrounding areas.”

“The decision poses a risk to the safety and well being of New Yorkers with the cost for security burdening the City with a billion dollar tab at the worst possible time. For these reasons and many more, the decision to have the 9/11 terror trials in federal court in New York is wrong and must be reversed.” Padavan said.   

 New Yorkers can voice their opposition to the 9/11 terror trials in New York by signing onto an e-petition on Senator Padavan’s website at and click the “Move the Terror Trials” link.