Statement From Senator Maziarz on Taking the Energy Committee

George D. Maziarz

January 6, 2010

I thank Senator Sampson for his faith and confidence in naming me the new Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee.  Considering my district is home to the Niagara Power Project, energy issues are of the utmost importance to my constituents.
And that is the sole reason that I am accepting this position—because it is vitally important to the people I represent.  There is time for politics and there is time for government.   In the chambers of the Senate, I have always welcomed the opportunity to work across the aisle with my colleagues whenever possible if it benefited the people of Western New York.  I will continue that same philosophy as Chairman of the Energy Committee.
I do believe I should make something perfectly clear.  While there is a fair amount of speculation in the cauldron of Albany politics, the fact is I am not leaving the Republican Conference, and I have not promised my vote on any issue. 
There is much to do in the months ahead with respect to the work of the Energy Committee, and I look forward to hitting the ground running.