Historic Elmira Accepting Nominations for Preservation Awards

George Winner

January 14, 2010

Elmira, N.Y.–State Senator George Winner (R-C-I, Elmira) reminded area residents today that Historic Elmira, Inc. is currently accepting nominations for its 2nd Annual “Preservation Awards Program” to recognize outstanding restoration and preservation projects within the Elmira area.

“This event helps Historic Elmira, one of this region’s leaders in community development and historic preservation, pay tribute to outstanding local accomplishments and initiatives within the Elmira area,” said Winner.  “I certainly hope that anyone and everyone deserving of recognition will be nominated.”

Winner said that the deadline for submitting a nomination is Friday, February 12, 2010.  Nomination forms can be found online at Historic Elmira, or by calling the organization at 607-731-0395.

According to Historic Elmira, nominations will be accepted in the following awards categories:

-- the Advocate Award will recognize creative, inspirational leaders, groups or organizations, who, either in the public eye or from behind the scenes, have been stewards of historic preservation, have encouraged the protection of historic resources, and continued to strengthen and broaden the historic preservation movement in the Elmira area. The Advocate Award celebrates government officials, community leaders, local business owners, journalists, and other dedicated preservationists who have succeeded in protecting the Elmira area’s architectural heritage; and

-- the Project Award will recognize any historic preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, or adaptive reuse project.