Klein Joins Bronx Beer Distributor To Announce Destruction of $350K Worth of Banned Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverage Joose

Jeffrey D. Klein

December 22, 2010

Calls On Craigslist And Other Sites To Remove  Illegal Advertisements For CABs
BRONX, NY  – State Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) joined one tri-state area beer distributor to announce the destruction of $350,000 worth of the banned caffeinated alcoholic beverage known as Joose. In addition, Klein unveiled details of an investigation his office conducted last week when a volunteer was successful in purchasing Four Loko from an unauthorized retailer through an ad on Craigslist. Klein is calling on Craigslist and other websites to put a stop to the illegal sale of Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages (CABs) on their websites.

On Friday December 10th, Senator Klein’s office conducted an undercover sting operation involving the purchase of nine Four Loko cans after seeing an advertisement for the product under the collectibles section on Craigslist.  Klein has since issued letters to the owners of Craigslist and Ebay requesting that they stop CABs from being sold on their websites.
“Despite having banned these products from sale in New York State, the Internet is quickly become an anonymous way to circumvent the law and make some quick cash - quite possibly with potential harm to minors. This drink is still way too easy for teens to get and definitely too dangerous for them to consume. It is time for us to take the necessary steps to get this deceptive cocktail off the Internet and save our teens from any further injury or harm,” said State Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester).
Last month,  the New York State Liquor Authority and the New York State Beer Wholesalers Association forged a voluntary agreement from the state’s largest beer distributors to stop selling alcoholic energy drinks that contain caffeine and other stimulants.  New York State’s beer distributors stepped up to the plate by agreeing to stop placing orders for the caffeinated alcoholic beverages.  They had until  December 10th to clear their inventory of the products, with retailers given additional time to sell off existing stock.  This agreement effectively puts a stop to sales of the beverage throughout the state.
On Wednesday, Klein announced that one tri-state area beer distributor has gone further by planning to destroy $350,000 worth of Joose inventory from his warehouses within the next month. Klein began the destruction process by pouring out cans of Joose and Four Loko at the Bronx beer distributor’s warehouse.
Last month, Senator Klein introduced a comprehensive package of bills in the State Senate aimed at combatting easy access to CABs in New York State, they are as follows: Klein bill S8509 would ban the sale of CABs in New York State entirely; S8508 would increase the criminal penalty for the sale, gift  or delivery of CABs to any individual under the age of 21; S8506 would shift the point of sale of CABs from convenience stores and bodegas to liquor stores; S8485 would provide warning labels for CABs at the point of sale, call for segregating them from regular energy drinks and enhance SLA standards for approval.
Klein was first alerted to the disturbing trend of teens consuming what has become known as "blackout in a can" in Summer 2010 when three teens in the Westchester portion of his district were rushed to emergency rooms after consuming Four Loko.
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