More Anti-Auto Theft “Bait Cars” Hit Bronx Streets

Jeffrey D. Klein

March 5, 2010


Senator Klein presents a 125K grant to the Bronx District Attorney to expand Anti-Auto Theft “Bait Car” operations

NEW YORK- On Friday, March 5th, Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) presented a $125,000 grant to Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson to fund the expansion of the Bronx Anti-Auto Theft “Bait Car” Program.

The program, which began in the Bronx in 1995, in an effort to reduce vehicle break-ins, involves plain clothed NYPD officers positioning bait cars in high crime areas in order to catch criminals in the act. Klein’s grant will be used to purchase an additional bait car and cover overtime expenses for anti-auto theft investigators.

“When it comes to fighting crime, especially auto theft and break-ins, we can never be too vigilant. The bait car program is an innovative way to crackdown on these incidents and keep our neighborhoods safe. I am committed to ensuring that our local law enforcement receives all the tools they possibly can in order to continue doing a great job at protecting our lives and our property,” said Klein.

“The Office of the Bronx District Attorney is pleased to acknowledge the receipt of this grant from the Office of State Senator Jeffrey Klein. The more often we can deploy investigatory teams, along with the bait cars, the more often wrongdoers will take the bait and be punished for it.”, said Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson.

Currently, the Bronx District Attorney’s office owns two bait cars. Bronx officers made 13 arrests in 2008 using them. According to the office, in 2008 officers recovered 486 stolen vehicles and returned them to their rightful owners. In total, the cars were valued at more than $5.8 million. The Anti-Auto Theft Program also includes nighttime surveillance and investigations of auto-related crimes, document and insurance fraud surveillance operations and License Plate Reader technology that captures large numbers on license plates quickly in order to compare the plates to a collective list of plates of interest.

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