Senator Defrancisco Responds to Governor Paterson’s Second State of the State Address
January 6, 2010
Speech focuses on State Deficit and Ethics Reform
Today Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-I-C, Syracuse), responded to Governor Paterson’s second State of the State address which officially marks the beginning of the 2010 legislative session.
The Governor’s address reiterated, that the economy and State budget deficit must be addressed. Most members of the State Legislature would agree with this and that prudent action is what is needed to steer the State in the direction of fiscal solvency.
The theme of this year’s speech was reminiscent of last year’s, namely to hold the line on spending and taxes. However, after making those statements during his 2009 address, the Governor supported the Democrats’ actions to increase spending by $12B and raise taxes by $8B in the 2009-10 State budget. “That action, together with the inefficient use of much of the federal stimulus funds, has exacerbated the deficit we now face in adopting a budget for the 2010-11 fiscal year”, said Senator DeFrancisco.
“Measures taken in the Fall Deficit Reduction Proposal adopted by the Legislature was only part of what needs to be accomplished to address New York’s current deficit. Therefore, it is my hope that this year the Governor will keep these promises throughout the budget negotiation process”, DeFrancisco continued.
“Reducing spending, streamlining and consolidating State and local operations, and opposing any and all tax increases is what is needed to position New York for economic recovery. The failure to do so will only continue to stall the much needed economic recovery in New York State” said Senator DeFrancisco.
In his address, Governor Paterson also stated that he will include a proposal for ethics reform in his Executive Budget to be presented later this month. “As this issue receives consideration, it is my hope that a bi-partisan plan, which must be applied to all, will be adopted to achieve true reform” Senator DeFrancisco said.
“I look forward to working with the Governor and all of my legislative colleagues to achieve a budget which will result in a structural long-term change in New York’s budgeting by reducing spending and which will redirect the State toward a path of long term fiscal stability. New York residents deserve nothing less”, concluded Senator DeFrancisco.