Statement by Senator John Bonacic: on the Firing of Dec Commissioner Peter Grannis

John J. Bonacic

October 22, 2010

“Governor Paterson’s apparent decision to fire DEC Commissioner Peter Grannis is bad government at its worst executed by an accidental Governor with no moral, fiscal, or leadership authority whatsoever.”  

 “Mr. Grannis was fired because he allegedly dared tell the public, what the implications on the DEC staff would be, in executing the Governor’s layoff order.  Even if Commissioner Grannis did provide detailed information about which units in the DEC would be reduced, that should be public information.  The use and planned use of taxpayer money should not be a secret.”

 “The next Governor will have to appoint a new DEC Commissioner.  That Commissioner needs to focus on the issues critical to the Catskills.  Those issues include ensuring the DEC facilities in this region – our campgrounds and Belleayre, are put to the best use to encourage tourism and jobs in the Catskills.  Moreover, the next Commissioner will be responsible for guaranteeing the safety of our water in relation to gas drilling, and supporting better stream maintenance plans so that we can lower stream levels, and diminish the risk of flooding.  Each of these decisions are critically important to our economy and health.” 

 “I did not always agree with the decisions of the DEC and Commissioner Grannis.  However, you should never fire someone simply for telling the truth – particularly when it involves taxpayer dollars.” 

