Serrano Shows Support for LGBT Commmunity

José M. Serrano

July 9, 2010

Dirk McCall, Executive Director, Bronx Pride; Senator Serrano; and Guillermo Flores, American Cancer Society


Senator José M. Serrano attended Bronx Pride 2.0 at the Bronx Community Pride Center, an LGBT organization that offers support services and programming for individuals in the borough. The event offered a view into a “new era of Bronx Pride” by providing a guided tour of the organization’s recently expanded facilities, offering information regarding the various free programs and services they offer, and introducing the community to its new Executive Director, Dirk McCall.

 “The Bronx is an exceptional melting pot of diversity,” said Senator José M. Serrano. “The Bronx Community Pride Center  has demonstrated their commitment to celebrating that diversity by ensuring that LGBT individuals have access to a strong support network. This organization has had a positive impact on the lives of a great deal of our friends, neighbors, and family members, and I am honored to be a part of the beginning of a new era of Bronx Pride.”

Senator Serrano also expressed his disappointment with the recent vote of a same-sex marriage bill in Albany. “Marriage equality is part of the ongoing struggle for civil rights in the United States, and I will continue to work with organizations like the Bronx Community Pride Center to ensure that the laws of this state are not based on archaic, discriminatory beliefs, but on the assertion that New York State must be a model for equality and compassion.”